The work of Peter Wills has been evolving over the years within the context of attention to detail, balanced form/decoration, and passion – all of which he believes are crucial. Of his numerous influences, Bernard Leach’s “A Potter’s Book” was one of the first and strongest. Sung and Tang Dynasty Chinese pots have also been an inspiration, along with major 20th-century European potters such as Lucie Rie and Hans Coper. Widely exhibited in Britain, his work has also been shown in Italy, Brussels, Spain, the Netherlands and the USA.
In his small studio, Peter formerly worked with fine white clays that he blended to his own recipes; however, more recent work has been undertaken with a blend of English porcelain from Valentine Clays. His current production is one-off bowls and vases, thrown on a potter’s wheel, raw-glazed when bone dry and once fired to 1280°C.
“Inspiration for me comes from simple things; pots from ancient China to modern Europe; the looseness, freedom and life of Bizen wares, the wonderful colours, textures and forms of Lucie Rie’s work; the inverted profile of a hat, a blackbird singing outside my bedroom window.”
“I aim for balanced form, attention to detail and life; I would love the ability to produce pots of a calibre that would make people catch their breath – however for now, if I can occasionally stir the heart, I’ll be content.”.