Tetsuya Ozawa originates from Tajimi, Gifu Prefecture, but now lives in Tokomame City, Aichi Prefecture, which has been celebrated for its ceramic production since the Heian Period (794-1185). Ozawa’s decision to be a ceramicist was made early on, and he graduated in 2008 with a degree in Japanese Fine Arts from Nagoya University. He went on to train under Yoshikawa Masamichi.
Ozawa works with Tokomame’s black clay, but combines it with the traditional glaze, Chara. Ozawa demonstrates a disregard for uniformity which is achieved through ‘kofuki’, a dusting technique. Following the firing process, white soil is applied in a thin layer so that the original clay is still visible underneath. The rough textures of Ozawa’s ceramics are like those of oil-on-canvas paintings, with unique surface patterns comparable to abstract painting. The importance of Mark Rothko to Ozawa’s practice can be detected in these similarities. Ozawa seeks to create the same feeling of serenity he experiences looking at Rothko’s abstract paintings with his ceramics.
Ozawa’s tableware creations reconcile inspiration taken from modern crafts, tea culture and folk arts. He follows his instincts to create tableware that people will enjoy using, but restrains from allowing his personal thoughts to inform each product excessively. This permits a sense of freedom to interpret Ozawa’s designs in different ways and for them to be used in a variety of purposes.