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Masahiko Yamamoto White mud Clay pot 26


Dimensions: H 20cm x W 19cm

Materials: ceramic

Method:  Hand-built 



Crafted from clay sourced and collected by the artist from across Japan, this clay teapot possesses a playful elegance, deep rich tones, and a contrasting handle. Its earthy texture, characterful patterns and imperfect beauty speak of ancient landscapes, mountains, and rivers. Using his grandfather’s kerosene kiln, Yamamoto likes to experiment with his firing, sometimes adding grass, charcoal, or firewood, finding joy in the unknown outcomes of his firings.


About the Artist

Masahiko Yamaoto’s work begins with digging, sourcing and collection clay from all over Japan. He says of the material “It’s not a matter of clay from here or there being good or bad as every place has its own character, its own unique qualities.” His process involves experimentation, learning about each type of clay and the best way to form and fire each type.

Although immersed in Japanese culture every day, Masahiko is influenced by a mix of different cultures, notably admiring creations from Southeast Asia. Masahiko’s experimentation and playful approach to clay as well as his eclectic inspirations creates exciting works that whilst rooted in Japanese pottery have bold character and an overall aesthetic unique to the artist.

Masahiko Yamamoto White mud Clay pot 26



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