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Beautifully Flawed : Wabi-Sabi in Contemporary Craft

Wabi-Sabi in Contemporary Craft
Jayne Armstrong
Dora Good
Rhian Jones
Cheng Wei
Masahiko Yamamoto

In March of 2022 Maud & Mabel will be hosting ‘Beautifully Flawed’, an exhibition of ceramics and wood, highlighting a selection of artists that capture the essence of wabi-sabi in contemporary craft.


March 25th – April 2nd 2022
PV 5 p.m. Thursday 24
th March 2022



The principals of Japanese aesthetics have long influenced and intrigued contemporary artists and craftspeople from all over the world. Embracing ‘flaws’, creating balance through irregularity, subtlety, lack pretence and intent unforced are just few of many features that are striven for and applauded.


The exhibition ‘Beautifully Flawed’ brings together the work of artists from the England, Wales, China, Majorca and Japan, all of whom capture, in different ways, the essence of wabi-sabi, creating works that with perfect balance display exceptional skill and control with their perfect ‘imperfections’.



Harnessing pit firing, the oldest known method of firing pottery, Rhian Jones throws perfect forms which are brought to life with intricate surface patterns and thoughtful touches of gold gilding in the form of Kintsugi.

Playing with the boundary between sculptural and functional, Jayne Armstrong’s wood-work embraces the natural characteristics of the materials which she sources locally to her home in Brittany, enhancing them with beautifully light, paper thin forms.

Moving freely among style, inspired to mix cultural inspirations, Masahiko Yamamoto creates soulful vessels, bringing together playful surfaces and organic forms which embrace the unique characters and qualities of the clay he carefully selects and digs from locations across Japan.

Favouring clay with a high iron content, Cheng Wei’s harmonious blend of perfect, traditional forms and aged, organic surfaces, produces delicate tea ware which is enhanced with time and use, and which combines ancient qualities with a contemporary approach.

Experimenting with firing techniques, such as the primitive technique of black firing, Dora Good creates beautifully textured moons that with a delicate combination of bold form and intricate surface, stand in a confident, yet restrained quiet.

Displaying a wide range of techniques, materials, inspirations and styles, the artists brought together in ‘Beautifully Flawed’ highlight the skill and delicacy of embracing the ‘imperfect’ and mastering the delicate balance of the raw and the refined.




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